This project is maintained by CCML-UCONN

Getting Started

Logging Into the Computing Clusters

Once you account on Stampede has been activated. Follow the instructions and tests to make sure everything is set up properly and functional.


  1. Required Installation
  2. Getting an Account
  3. Logging On



Download and install:

To prevent X11 from timing out, open the terminal and type:

mkdir -p ~/.ssh
echo -e "\nHost *\n ForwardX11Timeout 1000000\n" >>~/.ssh/config


Download and install:

Getting an Account


HPC facility on Storrs campus are open to all members of the UConn research community. If you haven’t applied one before, you can simply request for an account by clicking “Get an Account”. A new page will pop up to ask for your NetID and password. Your HPC-Storrs account username will be your UCONN NetID and the initial password will also be the same as your NetID password.


Our TACC-Stampede allocation is managed through XSEDE funded by NSF. Please visit XSEDE user portal first to create an account. After the submission of the account request, you will receive an approval email in 24-48 hrs. Log onto your XSEDE account and check your TACC-Stampede account username(most probably start with tgxxxxxx). Remember to email or slack me your XSEDE and TACC account usernames as soon as you receive them.

Go to TACC user portal and click “Log in with TACC ACCOUNT”, put your username (“tgxxxxxx) and password to login. If you don’t know your password, you might want to try “Forgot your password”. After login, You will also be asked to setup the Multi-factor Authorization.

Logging onto the Clusters

Follow the instructions below for your system:


Open “Applications-> Utilities -> Terminal” or “Command+Space” to search Terminal using “spotlight search” In a terminal:

ssh -X
ssh -X


Launch Xming. You will always need to have this open in order to forward graphical windows from the external clusters.

Start PuTTY, and:

You can start putty several times, if you need several terminal windows; only one instance of Xming needed.


In a terminal:

ssh -X
ssh -X